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Writing for Fresh Paint

Author's Release Form

Art and Photo Release Letter

Fresh Paint publishes featured articles for Art educators of all levels, Pre-K through college.  Articles generally focus on concepts for the practitioner with practical ideas applicable to art teachers in all areas.  Articles should clearly identify problems and offer solutions or considerations for addressing concerns or issues.

Featured articles to be considered for publication are usually 3 to 5 pages in length for printed issues and 5 to 10 pages in length for digital issues. Each page should be approximately 500 words per page, double-spaced, and include references to all citations.  Most articles contain a small number of references for work or information provided by outside sources.  Citation and reference styles should adhere to either the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition), The Chicago Manual of Style, or A Manual for Writers of Term Papers (Turabian).

Videos to support or to present information will be considered for digital issues. Any of the accepted YouTube File Formats will be accepted. Resolution should be at least 1080p: 1900x1080.

Photos will be considered for all issues.  The author must provide credit sources for all photos and artwork, and complete the Art and Photo Release Letter above.  Photographs must be professional and accurately reflect the written article.

All submissions are reviewed by the Editor of Fresh Paint and may be sent to reviewers for final decisions.

Articles accepted for publication become property of the Florida Art Education Association. 

Featured Articles must be submitted in electronic form (email) and will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee. The Editor, working with FAEA staff, will assign placement of submitted articles upon approval. Graphics associated with submissions must be in tiff or jpeg formats attached to the article with designation of graphic within the article.  Each author should submit a biography of no more than fifty words.  

Articles along with graphics, photos, Author Release form, and Photgraph/Artwork Release Form should be emailed to for consideration.


Submission Deadlines
  • Fall Issue: July 1
  • Conference Program: September 1
  • Winter: December 1
  • Spring/Summer: April 3
  • Email Newsletters: 1st of the month preceding the month of publication.

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