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Florida Student Art Assessment Guidelines for Submissions

Eligibility & Requirements
  • Any student whose entry is submitted to FAEA's Florida Student Art Assessment (FSAA) must be enrolled/registered at a public school, private school, public charter school, home education, or virtual school in Florida and submitted by their Active FAEA member teacher from that school.
  • Current FAEA members are eligible to submit one entry per student
  • All mediums are accepted, as long as the work can be photographed or submitted as a digital .jpeg image file (no video or animated gifs).
Entry Fee and Deadlines
  • There is a $5 entry fee per artwork submitted.
  • Student artwork submissions must be entered online no later than February 9, 2025. (Deadline extended to February 14, 2025)
  • Payments and signed release forms must be received by the FAEA office no later than February 28, 2025.
Student/Parent Release Forms: 
  • Forms are generated by the online application after your entries are entered. Look for the "Release Forms" button on the online submission pages. Teachers should send each form to the appropriate parent or guardian to sign and return to the teacher.

  • Each release form must be signed by the student's parent or guardian and the teacher.   

  • Completed and signed forms must be submitted to the FAEA office no later than February 28, 2025.  Fax: (850) 942-1793 or scan and email to 

  • Do not submit photos of the forms: if sending with your smartphone, use a scanner app instead, and make sure the barcode is clear.  This will help ensure we are able to use the barcodes on the forms to record it was received. 

  • Late forms will not be accepted. Entries without a completed and signed release form on file in the FAEA office after February 28 will be disqualified without refund. 

Each work of art submitted should be created exclusively by one student. Group projects are not supported, and 100% of the work must have been done by the student with no embellishment by the teacher, any other person, or artificial intelligence (AI).

FAEA is considering the possibility of adding a "film" category in the future, but at this time, submissions must be static photographs or digital images, not videos.  

Artwork should be original and appropriate for a K-12 student exhibition. Works that are found to be plagiarized or generated by artificial intelligence (AI), or that depict violence, sexual activity, or any other subject that may be deemed inappropriate for students in grades K through 12, may be disqualified without refund at the discretion of the FAEA executive committee.  

Failure to follow these guidelines and policies may result in any or all of a teacher's entries being disqualified. 

For 2D Artwork

The camera lens should be parallel to the artwork surface. Do not angle the lens as this distorts the image. Experiment with a variety of lighting to see what works best.  Avoid camera flash back or images that are too dark.  Fill the frame of the camera with the artwork.  Do not allow school red brick to appear in the shot!  For 2D artwork that will fit on a bed of a digital scanner, scan the image at 100%

For 3D Artwork

Submit two images (different views) of three-dimensional artwork. Do not allow school red brick to appear in the shot. Consider using a black or white background.

Adjusting With Software

FAEA asks that images are only altered in the following ways:

  • Orientation: Works should be rotated properly so that it is not laying on its side when viewing. Re-orientation during adjudication may not be possible, or may distort the dimensions of the image.
  • Cropping: Crop background other than the artwork.
  • Color Adjustment: Only to adjust for lighting during photography and not to enhance the artwork itself.
JPG Files

JPG should be captured by a 2+ megapixel camera. Set the camera for "fine" or "extra fine" resolution, not "web" or "normal." For photographs, participants may scan the print at 100% 300 dpi and save as a JPG file.

  • Image Quality: Should be at least 300dpi
  • File Size: Each JPG file should be at least one megabyte but no greater than 10 megabytes.
  • File Extension: Files must be named with the ".jpg" file extension.
Submission Instructions

All submissions are entered online. You can pay instantly with a credit card or print an invoice to mail along with a check. If paying by check, the check must arrive in the FAEA office by the entry deadline. 

  1. Login using the Member Login button, then click "K12 Student Exhibit"
  2. Confirm that your contact info is correct at the top
  3. Fill out the form for your first student's entry
  4. Click the "Browse" or "Select File" button to select the student's artwork image from your computer.
  5. Click the "Submit" button. It may take a few seconds to upload, depending on file size and your internet speed
  6. It will display a confirmation page that shows the artwork you have submitted. There are buttons to edit the school information or edit the photograph if necessary. All edits or image replacements must be completed before the entry deadline. 
  7. Click the "Add Another" button to add your next student's artwork, or click "Finish and Pay" if you are finished
  8. Confirm the charges, and click the button to either pay online with a credit card or print an invoice to send in with a check.
  9. Release Forms: After you enter your entries, a button will appear to print the student/parent release forms. They are in PDF format for easy printing, and there is a pre-filled-out page for each student you entered. 

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