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Conference Schedule and Session Information

Online Schedule

About Paid Workshops

As you begin to browse and add sessions to your bookmarks, please keep in mind the following information:

There are 3 types of sessions at this year's conference:

  • Demonstration
  • Art Forum
  • Workshop*

Within the schedule, click a session to see more information about it, and the workshop type will be listed.

The Workshop sessions are sometimes referred to as "Paid Workshops" because there is an additional fee required to attend. They are extended hands-on workshops with materials provided. To attend a paid workshop, you must include it in the "Paid Workshops" section of your online conference registration, or add it using one of the on-site laptops near the registration desk at the conference.  Using this website or the app to add the workshop to your BOOKMARKS does not register you for the workshop.  You must add it to your online conference registration also. 

Demonstrations, Art Forums, General Sessions, and Keynote Speakers are all included in your conference registration and seating is first available.  There is no need to pre-register or add Demonstrations or Art Forums to your schedule in order to attend.

Guests/Spouses: if you included a guest/spouse as part of your conference registration, they may attend any Demonstration and Art Forum sessions, but due to limited space and materials, they are not permitted to attend Workshop sessions. To participate in Workshop sessions, they will need to register under their own FAEA membership. 

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