View the Exhibit Hall Floor Plan
Exhibitor Inbound Shipment Information
Exhibitor Shipping Out Instructions
Exhibitor AV Order Form - If you need Electricity, WiFi, or any A/V equipment in your booth, use this form to order it through the hotel.
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at the FAEA Annual Conference! We are anticipating over 600 attendees, most of whom are practicing artists. Over 80% are current active art teachers in Florida and surrounding areas. Our conference is also popular with collegiate students studying to become art teachers, school district arts supervisors, and retired art teachers who still practice their craft.
Discounts on exhibit booth spaces and priority locations are available to certain FAEA Partner levels. Visit the FAEA Partner page to learn more about becoming a partner, our Publications page for advertising information, and our Sponsors page for additional sponsorship opportunities.
Visit the Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to determine what booth numbers you would like to request, then follow the instructions below. However, please understand that specific booths may not be guaranteed, as priority will be given to Sponsors and Partners.
We also encourage you to submit a Product Showcase Session Proposal if you would like to present a session demonstrating your products or services.
Swag Bag Samples - All exhibitors are invited to donate small sample items for inclusion in our attendee registration swag bags. The recommended quantity is 600, and items should be shipped to the FAEA Office no later than the week before the conference or brought to the conference hotel no later than the Wednesday before the conference begins.
Single Booth: $400
Corner Booth: $450
Endcap Booth: $1000
Front Endcaps: $1200 (only two available)
Due to limited space in our conference hotel this year, space for exhibitors is limited, and the last time our conference was at this hotel the exhibit hall sold out.
We recommend you sign up and pay your deposit before July 1. Our online portal will let you choose your first, second, and third choice of booth numbers. See the Floorplan to determine what booth numbers you prefer.
We will assign your booth locations giving priority based on the date you paid your deposit and your status as a Sponsor and/or Partner. Your order and amount due will be updated if the types of booths you originally requested are not available when we assign the locations.
Final payment will be due no later than October 1. No refunds for cancelations will be available after this date.
Exhibit space is managed through the CFAE Sponsor Management System: